Pug template tabs
Pug template tabs

  1. #Pug template tabs code#
  2. #Pug template tabs free#

Simple right? inside the parenthesis you can add all the attributes you need even the. To do this let’s use a link tag for example: a.foo_link(href='about.html', target='_blank') About Us

#Pug template tabs code#

Ok, so we have now our HTML code written in a very neat way, easy to understand but let’s extend it and start adding our normal classes and data attributes. The third one and one of the most common is simply writing the text after the HTML tag. The second way by placing a dot in the html tag and indenting the text below (with no |).

pug template tabs

As you may been noticing, the text can be written in our html tags in three ways, first putting the indented text below the tag with a pipe | before it. This simple command will create the corresponding HTML file next to the Pug one. Now that we have our index.pug template In order to compile it to HTML we need to open the terminal and navigate to the folder containing our file and run the command: html head title This is my first Pug file body header p My soon to be menu section p This is a post about Pug template engine, enjoy it! footer cool footer with lots of copyrights pug extension, you don’t need to type the angle brackets and because of the indentation you can also ignore the closing tags. As I mentioned earlier, Pug files use the. In this article I’ll show you the core features of Pug, to start let’s create our first file. Note: You need to have installed NodeJS in order to run npm commands from the terminal. Like most tools nowadays, Pug is a node package that can easily be installed on your system using the following npm command: Once you start using it, it’ll become an indispensable tool for you. When using modern CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, most of the development becomes entirely about producing HTML, which brings out the power of Pug.

#Pug template tabs free#

It provides the ability to write dynamic and reusable HTML documents, its an open source HTML templating language for Node.js (server-side JavaScript), totally free to use and provides fast, easy, and fun HTML. Just like SASS, Pug is a prepocessor and, as such it helps you accomplishing tasks like wrapping away repetitive work by providing features not available in plain HTML. Simply put, Pug is a clean, white space/indentation sensitive syntax for writing html. Well with Pug, formerly known as “Jade” (a registered trademark, and as a result a rename was needed) it’s a high performance and feature-rich templating engine that’s easy to achieve.

pug template tabs

Pug is simply too alien from native HTML and resembles a lot more like those other off-side rule languages like Python.Clean and organize HTML, that’s what we as Front-end Developers always aim for. Pug templates are nice for Python programmers who don't want to learn HTML to start writing web pages and develop some entire websites personally from the ground up, but for any serious project that involves more than half a dozen people and has separate positions of web UI designers, front-end developers, and back-end engineers, it's much better to choose something more closely compatible with native HTML as the template engine.

pug template tabs

Plain HTML pages usually can contain very deeply nested structures, whether they are hand-written by web UI designers or generated from popular web design tools or taken from existing HTML templates, which are a nightmare for front-end engineers to convert into Pug templates, where you have to take care of handling the indentation rules and the deeply nested HTML elements, even creating multiple blocks that don't have any meaning in terms of business logic, just to house the HTML elements within bearable amounts of indentations.

Pug template tabs